Carla Cabral
May 30 to June 02 | S. António Chapel | Painting | Indoor
Carla Cabral is from Funchal and has a degree in painting from the Instituto Superior de Artes da Madeira. Since 1990, she has participated in several collective and individual exhibitions (painting, illustration, drawing, engraving, photography, installation) in various cities of the country and abroad.
In her work is frequent to find the search for emotions and feelings that go beyond the daily existence. The end result may come from looking for foreign places and people from different origins, revealing unlikely episodes of love and portraits, painstakingly described and sweeping simplicity.
Carla reinvents herself with each new work, so that, in the words of Valter Hugo Mãe, "... the work of Carla Cabral, [is] endowed with a courage that we rarely find in those who should be absolutely defined by courage, the artists.