Escola de Dança do Funchal
Friday | 31 of May| 19.00h | CC John dos Passos | Indoor
"Again (st) Right again (ST) to"
The creation of ANIMABALLET - Companhia Jovem da Escola de Dança do Funchal is justified to promote dance in the pre-professional sphere. It is composed of young interpreters in training with aptitude and desire to pursue a career in the field of dance.
The team’s work can be compared in some moments to the professional universe of the dance, that is based on the dynamics of classical and contemporary dance.
The performances
The Escola de Dança do Funchal premiers in Aqui Acolá "Again (st) Right again (ST) until", coreografed by Inês Pedruco.
This show goal is in favor of those who leans against the crowding. It favours the Bold, those who are different, those who demands liberation. Being on the wrong side of the barricade, at the end, can make every thing right.