Festival Aqui Acolá

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Workshop - Photography

Orlando Sousa

Tuesday | May 21 | 19:00H to 21:00H

Thursday | May 23 | 19:00H to 21:00H

Tuesday | May 28 | 19:00H to 21:00H


This (6 hours) workshop is a practical initiation for photography. Among other topics, will be approached techniques to learn how to measure light, control the speed and apertures of lenses and learn to use material in a proper way.

For this Workshop, participants should bring their camera and other material they have.

The use of the mobile phone as a camera during the workshop is not recommended and should be avoided.

E-mail where the entries will follow: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

Registration fee: Free;

Maximum number of participants: 15 participants.

Duration of the course: 6 hours.

Place: Rua Príncipe D. Luís, n.º 8.